Donnerstag, 18. September 2008


All hail King Buzzo, the baron Harkonnen of noise rock. We were at the backstage club at 9:15 pm, doors would have opened at 8, start of show 9, but when we arrived there, Porn had already played, which caused a lot of people to curse. On the tickets it said doors would open at 9, so there weren't too many people there, and almost all of them were guys. Some metal-looking dudes. Only two people in front of the stage, which made Jared dedicate the first Big Business song to those two. Great show. Just heavily distorted bass and pumpin' drums. Then Dale entered the stage for a couple of songs to play extremely loud kick-ass guitar that made your blood chill in awe. And then...the Melvins...King Buzzo in his strange priestly gown and his steel guitar really made an impression. The heavy duty ventilator on his amp didn't stop him from oozing sweat from every pore in his body while he was looking at us, the stupid audience, with an evil look on his face. All those fanboys with their cameraphones. Not knowing where one song ends and the other one starts. 

And oh man what a sound. Two monster drummers, basslines like tank platoons, vocals like the the last words of hanged men who fail to repent their sins, and Buzzo's guitar, which shredded everything to pieces. 

Then they sang the American national anthem. Then Buzzo played "Boris" on his own while Jared was in the crowd screaming the lyrics into my ears. Then a nice little country tune about redneck arseholes and the King departed. Wow.

The ringing in my ears isn't that bad, it actually feels pretty good. I'm baptized. All hail King Buzzo!


The Melvins are playing in Munich tonight with Big Business and Porn. Absolute bliss for the avant-doom-noise-afficionado that i tend to be sometimes.

And I finally grabbed a copy of Paul Auster's newest streak of genius, which means I'm not going to sleep for a couple of days. But with that ringing in my ears (I'm thinking some hours in the future here), sleep is as much out of the question as wearing earplugs.

I've been listening to Honky and their latest album, "Nude With Boots" this afternoon, and I can't wait for the blood to start raining and the tanks to start rolling. I'm a little bit scared, but that's just the way it should be. Baptism is no walk in the park. And you guys out there who won't come to the show tonight and do not have a very serious argument for this: Shame on you, you don't know what you're missing. But I'm not talking to you anyway. 

Right now, dawn slowly kicks in as the music fades away. Time to grab a bite and prepare myself...

Freitag, 5. September 2008

Letzte Nacht war Aufruhr hier im Haus. Sagt Marie. Ich hab zur Abwechslung geschlafen wie ein Stein. Da haben Leute mit Sachen geworfen und sind mit Siebenmeilenstiefeln die Treppe runtergerannt. Heute mittag dann der zweite Akt: Geräusche, wie wenn man Fahrräder die Treppe runterschmeißt, dazu schrie ein junger Mann was von Polizei und Drogen. Ich habe mich vor unserem zugemalten Türspion versteckt und nicht viel vernehmen können außer irgendwas mit randaliert. Dann war auch schon wieder gut. Scary. Aber da ist wenigstens mal was los!

Logic Pro kann einem sehr viel Nerven kosten, und Support gibts de facto eigentlich nicht. Das große Apple-Event am Dienstag unter dem Namen "Let's Rock" bezieht sich garantiert auf ein Logic Update mit allen seit Jahren erwarteten Bugfixes, bestimmt...

Die Metal Box von Public Image Ltd. ist ein dicker schwarzer Monolith aus Bass, Groove und speedabhängigen Paranoikern, also genau das richtige für den Sommer. Ich kann gar nicht genug davon bekommen. Ist zwar immer ein bisschen fummelig, die 12-inches aus der Kiste zu kriegen, aber die Feinmotorik lohnt sich.

Heute abend spielt der große Zoran Imsirovic die neuesten Tunes von Scriabin und Liszt, i wonder where the after show party will be takin' place...irgendwann mitten in der Nacht könnten wir dann zu Dispo Fever ins 59:1 gehen, gesetzt dem Fall, dass die doofen Deutschrocker bis dahin fertig sind mit ihrem Kack. Ich zähle die Tage bis zum Melvins-Gig am 18. Und zum Leonard Cohen-Gottesdienst am sechsten Oktober. Schon mal den Backkatalog auswendig lernen bis dahin. So, ich muss jetzt weiter zuckende Bewegungen zu PIL machen, sorry.

Mittwoch, 3. September 2008

hello. goodbye. no time. fela kuti makes me wanna dance. gotto go buy some records. the locust show was fucking amazing, although i didn't manage to steal their moog modular system. but i witnessed a mindblowing performance by rumpeln, which consisted of free noise and video improvisation, dropping microphones into cardboard boxes and fucking around with a wii controller. check out his site at
afrobeat in my bloodstream. gotta go. see you soon.